Our streaming library brings over 50 award-winning video rich geography resources to your secondary school or college. From the Amazon rainforest to the Sahara desert, Haiti’s earthquake and Iceland’s volcanoes, our dedicated team bring you case studies filmed around the world. We continually update our titles, all of which are made in consultation with text book author Bob Digby and meet the requirements of the UK’s main awarding bodies - giving your students access to the latest case studies and ideas.

Streaming Library Resources


  • Access to all 50+ resources on this site.

  • Private links enabling you to share all video content with your students .

  • Extensive teachers notes and activities by Bob Digby.

  • Instant access to new resources and updates.


    UK Schools/Institutions

    Choose to pay on invoice or with a card. Streaming access or download links follow as soon as your order has been verified.

    International Schools or Private Individuals

    For non UK schools and private individuals we ask for payment before giving access to the streaming service or releasing download links. The quickest way is to pay by card at the checkout.

    Prefer Digital Download?

  • All our resources are also available as individual digital downloads. These can be purchased by selecting the relevant title and then adding it to your cart. Once the order has been approved you will receive a link to download the video files and supporting resources so they can be stored on local drives and school networks and accessed in perpetuity.
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